Paperless Bookkeeping and Accounting
With business and virtually all other economic sectors now largely operating with the technological tools of the digital age, companies everywhere have gone, or are currently going paperless. The operational detriments of continuing to collect space-consuming crates of archived paper accounting records and to transmit paper documentation as a way of doing business are now too cumbersome to be economically practical for a modern business looking to work lean and increase efficiencies.
But, can every business operate paperlessly? Is going paperless really the best and most practical way for every business to operate, even yours? And, is the disruption to normal work routines really something any company can manage and remain efficient in production, services, and sales during the process?
Paperless Accounting
Attempting to manage and report even minimal accounting activity across departments for any number of internal management purposes is increasingly inefficient in the modern digitized accounting environment. Additional burdens on efficiency are added to the business with every instance of transmitting updated accounting information and routine reporting to outside investors, tax reporting agencies, lenders, etc., on paper media. Paper-heavy companies simply cannot fit their systems seamlessly with the very automated processes that should be exploitable to serve them more quickly and accurately.
Paper-Laden Business Operations
Unfortunately, in today’s digitally-driven general business management environment, indexing, retrieval, electronic transmittal, and manual distribution and other sharing of sales, production, inventory, shipping, accounting, and other information on paper present serious challenges to the effective management of time and many essential quality controls.
Why Should My Company Go Paperless?
New paperless technologies make it, even more, inviting for companies to avoid many of the burdens of paper-heavy operations and to reduce their carbon footprint as well. Among the countless cost-saving functional benefits to operational efficiency, going paperless will help your business:
- Operate clutter-free— Going paperless clears great volumes of clutter from your office environment.
- Save money— There’s no comparison between the cost of pages of information created and stored digitally, and the same number of pages created and stored on paper. The EPA estimates that a paperless office saves approximately £80 annually per employee in expenses associated with printing and copy paper, ink and toner, postage, and file storage facilities. Multiplied by all employees in the organization, the total annual savings for any company can make it clear that paperless operation is the most practical option.
- Present an exemplary PR message— Operating paperless identifies your company to your prospective partners and customers as a modern, technologically evolved, ideally managed enterprise, with a highly skilled team that keeps pace with the demands of modern business technology and processes.
- Save time— Paperless work saves a great amount of time. It eliminates time-wasting steps of printing, filing and manually searching for paper documents. Your record retrieval process is reduced to a few mouse clicks. For many companies, this simple change across the board cuts a very significant number of wasted hours regained for other tasks that increase employees’ productivity.
- Better Access— Digitally storing documents in the cloud instantly makes your organization more flexible. If you have a late meeting across the city, for example, what happens when you find you need to reference a file that’s in your office? You’re stuck waiting until another day to finish your meeting, or you must carry on without the information you need. Or, you must call an employee to fax paper documents to you. With paperless operations, you can just log in, and instantly pull up your file during your meeting, and show it to your client. Saving this kind of logistical trouble, and cost to a company’s professional image are important benefits.
- Saved Space — If you think in terms of a single piece of paper, it doesn’t take much storage space. But, it doesn’t’ take long to accumulate many thousands of pages. Over years of operation, a business can accumulate stacks and stacks of boxes of files. These can crowd office spaces and ultimately require additional (expensive) storage space. Operating paperless frees up office closets, meeting rooms, and even whole office suites. Alternatively, digital files occupy no physical space. They can be stored on remote servers and accessed from anywhere you need them on the spot.
- Stronger Security— Cloud storage for documents is more secure than keeping sensitive information in paper files stored in an office. Digital documents are encrypted and protected by numerous layers of security. And, access can be restricted to only trusted file users. Also, digital files are not at risk of being lost due to fire or theft.
- Environmentally Sound — The average company uses over 10,000 sheets of paper every year. That’s about equal to a small tree. This means that if all businesses were paperless, a whole forest would be saved every year. The environmental benefits of going paperless are not as obvious as the time, paper and printing costs, and space savings, but they are certainly important for every business person, and his or her family, and the world in which he/she must live.
Cloud accounting and Account-Ease
We are a team of dedicated Bookkeepers and Accountants with qualifications such as ACCA, CIMA, ICAEW. As we work on the cloud, our team is spread across the UK, managed and supervised by qualified accountants and bookkeepers. We aim to provide efficient and reliable service to our clients.
At ACCOUNT EASE we take pride in providing quality service to our clients. We use the latest in technology to make it easier for everybody and also reduce your bottom line costs. Cloud Accounting and Bookkeeping are an advanced but simple way to handle your books online from any computer, phone, or tablet from anywhere in the world. We use a variety of cloud-based software such as Xero, Kashflow, Freeagent, QB, etc. This allows us to process everything quickly and you can view most of the data on a real-time basis.
We bring the “Ease of Accountancy” to you!
We are accessible anywhere, any time. With the combination of cloud accounting solutions for freelancers, contractors, self-employed and small businesses. Accountants are available for advice 24/7.
Account-Ease is helping many clients go Paperless!